Green Deal

Ressources de filtrage

Circular Economy – Monitoring Framework

  • Prise de position
Symeon Christofyllidis

ECI welcomes the opportunity to submit its opinions for the next revision of the Monitoring Framework on Circular Economy....

Mind the energy efficiency gap between product and building policies

  • Article
Quentin de Hults

In Euractiv, Quentin de Hults provides insight on how the recast of EPBD can unlock the REPowerEU Plan potentials......

New study confirming potential of wastewater heat recovery

  • Article
Robert Pintér

Wastewater Heat Recovery (WWHR) technology was identified as the most promising emerging technology for unlocking…

ECI Position on the targeted revision of the REACH Regulation

  • Prise de position
Wendy Wellens

ECI believes that the REACH Registration process should aim at collecting relevant and reliable data......

ECI Position on a Mixture Assessment Factor (MAF) under REACH

International Copper Association

ECI asks for a refined approach to be considered for essential elements, based on the available science....

Unlocking the potential of Waste Water Heat Recovery in the recast of the EPBD

  • Lettre conjointe
  • Prise de position
Robert Pintér

Position of the European Association for Waste Water Heat Recovery on the proposed recast of…

The recast of the EPBD must better consider electrical installations

  • Prise de position
Robert Pintér

Joint position paper of ECI and partners on the proposed recast of the Energy Performance…

In Euractiv, Anna-Maria Karjalainen, Director for Clean Energy Transition, Europe, discusses ‘Fit for 55’ climate policies and the industry’s ability to invest in decarbonisation

  • Article
  • Lien externe
Anna-Maria Karjalainen

ECI position on CO2 Emission Standards for Heavy Duty Vehicles

  • Prise de position
International Copper Association

The European Copper Institute (ECI) supports the EU’s climate ambitions for 2030 and 2050. Ambitious…

For a “Fit for 55” EPBD recast

  • PDF
  • Prise de position
Robert Pintér

Position and recommendations on the proposed recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)…