Green Deal

Ressources de filtrage

Press Release: EU Electricity Market Design: Improvements with Long-Term Effect Must Come Together with Measures to Make Power Prices Competitive Today

  • Communiqué de presse
International Copper Association

“The European Commission’s proposal to improve the EU’s Electricity Market Design brings some positive changes…

Copper—The Pathway to Net Zero
Regional Focus: Europe

  • Recherche
International Copper Association

Copper—The Pathway to Net Zero Regional Focus: Europe The International Copper Association (ICA) and its…

Copper—The Pathway to Net Zero

  • Guidance Document
  • Recherche
International Copper Association

Copper is at the heart of the energy transition. Today, the copper industry accounts for…

The Pathway demonstrates the commitment of ICA members to act on climate change, with copper producers already taking action....

Call for Evidence: Impact Assessment on Waste Framework Directive Revision

  • PDF
  • Prise de position
Ignacio Gentiluomo

Position Paper: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism—Position for Trilogues

  • Prise de position
International Copper Association

The European Copper Institute (ECI) supports the EU’s climate ambitions for 2030 and 2050. Ambitious…

Position Paper: Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System—Position on Trilogues

  • Prise de position
International Copper Association

The European Copper Institute (ECI) supports the EU’s climate ambitions for 2030 and 2050. Ambitious…

Energy Management Systems for SMEs

  • Infographie
Diedert Debusscher

This Application Note supports SMEs in the implementation of such an “Energy Management System – light”. It guides you through the basic steps of implementing energy management in your company and refers to a wide selection of further reading on the subject.

Achieving REPowerEU targets on rooftop solar and heat pumps through electrical installations

  • Lettre conjointe
Quentin de Hults

Scaling up solar installations and heat pumps in buildings are crucial measures to reduce EU’s…

Joint position paper of ECI and partners on the proposed recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)...

Application Note: Energy Management in SMEs

  • PDF
International Copper Association

The Energy Efficiency Directive must do more to support the utilisation of unavoidable excess heat from industry

  • Infographie
Fernando Nuno