L'industrie du cuivre contribue largement à l'économie mondiale. Le cuivre est plus qu'un simple métal extrait ; il fournit des emplois et favorise un niveau de vie plus élevé.
One tonne of copper brings functionality to 40 cars, powers 100,000 mobile phones, enables operations in 400 computers and distributes electricity to 30 homes.
Le cuivre a un rôle important à jouer dans la résolution de problèmes cruciaux pour la société. Il contribue notamment à l'approvisionnement alimentaire, aux infrastructures, à la réduction des émissionsde CO2 et au développement durable. L'industrie du cuivre s'efforce d'engager les employés, les communautés et les gouvernements à relever les défis rencontrés dans la fourniture de matériaux essentiels à la société. Les membres de l'International Copper Association et les parties prenantes tout au long de la chaîne de valeur du cuivre comprennent leur responsabilité envers l'environnement et les communautés dans lesquelles ils opèrent.
Minerals and metals form the backbone of the modern world. No matter where you may call home, you can find copper and materials everywhere you look in your community. Healthcare workers, transportation providers, educators and delivery services rely on copper for critical equipment and for crucial functions, such as electronic devices, electricity delivery and storage, transportation, communication and safe drinking water. From mines and smelters/refiners through to fabricators, the copper industry is committed to providing the raw material and the finished products to assist society through any challenge.
Infrastructure relies on copper because of its reliability, efficiency and performance. Copper’s properties are vital for a range of activities including safe energy transmission and efficient transport.
Electrical Grids
(production and delivery of energy and energy storage) Telecommunications
(data centers, networks, cell towers) Water Supply
Food Chain
Copper not only helps farmers produce more and get products to market, it also helps grocers keep food fresher for longer periods of time.
Clean Water
(water and waste systems) Energy
(to power equipment)
Medical Devices
Copper-alloy components are essential to deliver life-saving therapies and to improve the quality of life for patients.
Diagnostic Devices
Surgical Robots
(care and medical robots)
3d Printing
(human tissues and active implants)
Ventilator Components
Copper is essential for manufacturing industries that keep global economies working.
Clean Tech
Critical minerals, like copper, keep up connected to each other and working more efficiently.
Computers and Laptops
Artificial Intelligence
(smart buildings - heating and cooling systems)
Renewable Energy Generation
(solar panels and wind turbines)
For more information on copper uses and applications, visit copperalliance.org.