Événements de chargement

Virtual Event

Road to Zero-Emission Buildings: Towards Effective Energy Systems


Mai 31, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Category:
ECI webinar 1105_General banner_1024x576


Détails de l'événement

ECI and Leonardo Energy present the EPBD Series “Road to zero-emission buildings”. Join us for the third event in the series and register below.

Slashing the carbon intensity of the buildings sector can be achieved by supporting integrated energy systems and smart building energy uses, including EV charging. Smart energy management in buildings can transform buildings into energy hubs, contributing to a flexible energy system thanks to high energy efficiency and on-site production, storage and flexibility. Electrical installations are the backbone of such zero-emission buildings, smartly connecting heat pumps, EV charging, storage, PV, BACS and smart meters. Their smart readiness must be considered.

This second moderated discussion will focus on how buildings should be prepared for their role in managing intermittent energy from renewable sources, storage, e-mobility, and smart and digital transformations. How can building play an active role into the energy system? What are the preconditions?

Join us for the 3rd webinar in the ECI-Leonardo Energy EPBD debate series Road to zero-emission buildings: Towards effective energy systems to have these and more questions on energy systems of buildings answered.

DATE: 31 MAY 2022

TIME: 10:00-11:00 CEST


Learn more about the EPBD Debate series 


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