Senior Manager, Global Communications and Public Affairs

Gabrielle Peterson

Gabrielle Peterson Headshot Transparent 1
Based in North America

Gabrielle works to develop and implement the International Copper Association’s (ICA) global communications and advocacy strategy. She oversees content, messaging, events and outreach covering the activities of ICA’s members and strategic programs in all regions through campaigns, external communications and digital platforms. She was also the recipient of ICA’s President’s Award for top performance across all of ICA’s regions and programs. 

Gabrielle also provides communications support for ICA’s flagship partnership, United for Efficiency, a public-private partnership led by UNEP, and supports the organization’s global partnerships. Passionate about making a global impact, Gabrielle appreciates the opportunity to work on topics tied to innovative, scalable solutions for the green transition. With more than a decade of experience in communications and international relations, she brings expertise as a political scientist from her tenure as the Editor in Chief of the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, MSc in International and European Politics (Distinction) from the University of Edinburgh and PhD Candidacy in International Relations at the University of Cambridge.  

An avid traveler and adventure seeker, Gabrielle enjoys rowing, history and culture. She is also an artist with experience as an actor, playwright, director and university instructor. Passionate about peace and security issues, Gabrielle was invited to participate in the Nobel Peace Conference and is responsible for the creation of a new UN working group on climate security. 

“Copper has been a fundamental building block to the development of human society for 5000 years. Now it leads the way again—powering humanity's transition to a greener future.” 

La ICA cuenta con un equipo comprometido de defensores globales, científicos y expertos en el mercado que asesoran a los responsables políticos y a la cadena de valor sobre cuestiones clave para la industria del cobre.