Copper and Copper Alloy Semi-Fabricated Products LCA

In 2021 the International Copper Association (ICA), in collaboration with the International Wrought Copper Council (IWCC) and the Copper Development Association (CDA) USA, conducted an LCA study to quantify resource use, energy and environmental emissions associated with the production of copper and copper alloys semi-fabricated products.

The study is a “cradle-to-gate” life cycle inventory (LCI) from the extraction of the copper ore at the mine (covered by the separate concentrate and cathode LCA study) to the production of copper and copper alloy semi-fabricated products. The geographical scope of the project is intended to be representative of regional –North America – and global production of copper and copper alloys semi-fabricated products by members of three associations ICA, IWCC and CDA USA. Data was collected for four types of semi-fabricated products: wire rod; tube; rod, bars and sections (RBS), flat-rolled products (plate, sheet, strip and foil) (FRP), and forthree material types as follows:


  • Copper (copper content of 99.5% or higher)
  • Brass (zinc content of 30%-42% and lead content of 0.5%-3.0%)
  • Lead-free Brass (zinc content of 30%-42% and silicon content of 0%-4%)


The data sampling included annual representative data respectively for the years 2019, 2020 or 2021. The study follows an attributional LCA approach and was conducted in accordance with the International Standards ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006, incorporating some elements of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Guide, such as an LCIA approach. The study underwent a critical review from Prof. Dr. Markus Berger from University of Twente, Netherlands, an independent life cycle assessment specialist in line with ISO 14044 and ISO/TS 14071.

28 Agosto 2024

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