Manager (EU), Clean Energy Transition


Diego García Carvajal-updated (400 x 400 px)
Based in Europe

Diego Garcia Carvajal manages projects and advocacy related to electric vehicles on the European Copper Institute’s (ECI) Clean Energy Transition (CET) team. Focused on the big picture, he appreciates any project in which he can develop a holistic vision, connect it with policy outcomes and see it through to implementation.  

Interested in solutions mitigating climate change, Diego is passionate about his current work on accelerating the transition to battery electric vehicles in Europe. After three years of research and liaising with EU policymakers and other stakeholders, Diego is proud the EU Commission included several of CET’s provisions in their Regulations on CO2 standards for Cars and Alternative Fuels Infrastructure. Diego is also working on market initiatives, such as a pilot project implementing a megawatt charging system to fuel long-haul battery trucks on a European corridor and guidelines for truck fleet operators on depot charging infrastructure. 

“Copper applications help fight climate change by enabling the transition to electric vehicles and energy-efficient electrification.” 

Latest Resources from Diego García Carvajal

Guidelines – Charging Infrastructure for Truck Depots

Guidance Document|Automotive

Road transport accounts for 20 percent of EU CO2 emissions, and trucks are responsible for 28 percent of those emissions while representing only 2.8 percent of the EU road fleet.…

ECI feedback to EC roadmap on the review of the Effort Sharing Regulation (Nov 2020)

Position Paper|EU's Climate Ambition for 2030 and 2050

ECI response to EC consultation on review of the End-of-life vehicles Directive (Nov 2020)

Executive Summary|Sustainable and smart mobility
