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In-Person Conference

Join Us in Brisbane, Australia for Copper—The Pathway to Net Zero

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Event Details

The International Copper Association (ICA) invites you to join the conversation on the copper industry’s pathway to net zero at our in-person event in Brisbane, Australia, on 27 June.

ICA—along with ICA Australia (ICAA), Amira Global and the Australian Innovation eXchange (AIX)—are proud to host an in-person, off-site event to the World Mining Congress on 27 June at 17:30 AEST to promote a new decarbonization roadmap for the copper industry, Copper—The Pathway to Net Zero. We look forward to sharing the industry’s collective ambition to decarbonize.




Tuesday, 27 June 2023


17:30 – 19:00 AEST


QUT Gardens Point Campus, 
2 George Street Brisbane City, QLD 4000, Australia


17:30 AEST  Arrival and registration

17:45 AEST  Welcome remarks from Dr. Jacqui Coombes, CEO of Amira Global

17:47 AEST  Video message from Inger Anderson, Executive Director, UNEP

17:50 AEST  Keynote address by Bernard Respaut, Global Lead of Clean Energy Transition Program, International Copper Association (ICA)

18:05 AEST  Video address from John Fennell, CEO International Copper Association Australia (ICAA)

18:10 AEST Panel discussion and Q&A

  • Jacqui Coombes, CEO, Amira Global
  • Russell Merz, CEO, Australian Innovation eXchange (AIX)
  • Professor Michael Goodsite, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Energy Futures) and Director, Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER), University of Adelaide
  • Alvaro Baeza, Decarbonization Manager, Glencore Copper Assets
  • Professor Peter Knights, Discipline Lead for Mining Engineering, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, University of Queensland
  • Moderator: Clare Larkin-Sykes, Managing Director, LarkinSykes Advisory

18:40 AEST  Closing remarks



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