The Copper Mark

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The International Copper Association (ICA) and its members are pleased to introduce the Copper Mark—a new assurance system for responsible copper production launched in April 2019. The Copper Mark provides a platform for the assurance of responsibly produced copper and is available for mines, smelters and refineries.

The Copper Mark is a voluntary program. Any copper mine, smelter or refiner is welcome to apply for the Copper Mark. In the future, other participants in the copper value chain, e.g., traders, manufacturers and end users, will be invited to participate. Civil society, investors, academia and other interested parties can participate in the Copper Mark through an expert panel that advises on the development and administration of the Copper Mark.

The Copper Mark takes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as its inspiration. SDG 12, Responsible Consumption and Production, forms the core of the Copper Mark. In order to be recognized as supporting SDG 12 and to receive the Copper Mark, companies will be assessed against a set of responsible production criteria meeting prevailing industry norms defined by the Risk Readiness Assessment created by the Responsible Minerals Initiative.

For more information on the Copper Mark and the copper industry’s commitment to sustainable development, visit

23 April 2019

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