The European Commission's zero pollution vision for 2050 focuses on reducing air, water and solid pollution to levels that are not harmful to humans and the natural ecosystems.
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The Harmonized Classification of Copper Forms
Comments to the Entries of Copper in the CLP Regulation On 1 December 2022, the…

ECI Position on the targeted revision of the REACH Regulation
ECI believes that the REACH Registration process should aim at collecting relevant and reliable data......

ECI Position on a Mixture Assessment Factor (MAF) under REACH
ECI asks for a refined approach to be considered for essential elements, based on the available science....
Table of Contents
Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability aims to protect citizens and the environment and to boost innovation for safe and sustainable chemicals. It is the most significant reform to Europe's policy on chemicals since the introduction of the REACH regulation. ECIs alongside policymakers to help achieve these objectives by producing scientific research that helps to refine risk assessments in close collaboration with Eurometaux and other partner organizations in the metals sector. ECI disseminates this information through policy consultations and regulatory processes. As the secretariat of the REACH Copper Consortium, ECI ensures that this information is submitted in REACH registration dossiers, ensuring the continued regulatory compliance of the sector
Industrial Emissions Directive
The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) works to reduce pollution from industrial emissions. The copper industry supports this objective and has actively contributed to the development of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) reference document for the nonferrous metals sector. The IED is a success because it has triggered significant investments in on-site treatment facilities by sector, and it has resulted in serious emission reductions over the past decade. As part of the Zero Pollution Ambition of the European Commission, the IED is presently undergoing a revision.
Click here for more information on ECI and the IED.
Zero-Pollution Action Plan
The Zero Pollution Action Plan by the European Commission aims to better prevent, remedy, monitor and report on pollution of air, water, and soil. ECI promotes these objectives and supports the work of policymakers through active contribution to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. ECI also publishes and disseminates scientific research and tools to support risk assessment of metals in the environment. ECI’s work in relation to the Industrial Emissions Directive, helps the copper industry continuously reduce its impact on the environment.
Authored By

Symeon Christofyllidis
Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Material Stewardship

Stijn Baken
Senior Scientific Advisor
Material Stewardship