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Circular Copper: Opportunities for Industrial Symbiosis in the Copper Industry



Event Details

The International Copper Association (ICA) is hosting a LinkedIn Live event “Opportunities for Industrial Symbiosis in the Copper Industry” on 21 October 2021. The event will explore the role of inter-industry partnerships in repurposing waste from copper byproducts. Industrial symbiosis, or the use of one industry’s waste by another, is an important opportunity to foster the copper industry’s competitiveness in the wider circular economy.

Arcadis will provide an overview of their latest research, commissioned by ICA, on industrial symbiosis in the copper industry, which will be followed by a panel discussion and a live, interactive Q+A. Experts from government and the copper industry will discuss the role of policy in enabling industrial symbiosis and its possibilities for practical implementation in the copper value chain.




  • Alain Vassart, Senior Regulatory Consultant (chemicals & waste), Arcadis
  • Daniela Cholakova, Corporate Environmental Manager, Aurubis AG
  • Olga Pozlevič, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission (DG GROW)

Moderated by: Symeon Christofyllidis, Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Material Stewardship and Strategic Advocacy, European Copper Institute

For media and analyst inquiries, please contact colin.bennett@copperalliance.org or alanna.pagella@hkstrategies.com.


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