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In-Person Conference

Copper – The Pathway to Net Zero

Date & Time


Promotional graphic with fall folliage in "C" cutout shape with event details for Pathway to Net Zero Launch


Event Details

The International Copper Association (ICA) and the European Copper Institute (ECI) invite you to join the conversation on the copper industry’s pathway to net zero.

Copper is a strategic raw material for the clean energy transition and global copper demand is expected to double by 2050, given its widespread use in decarbonization technologies. It is, therefore, important to ensure the availability of low-carbon, sustainable copper to meet this need.

The International Copper Association and the European Copper Institute invite policymakers and interested stakeholders to join the launch of their global decarbonization roadmap, Copper – The Pathway to Net Zero, to discuss the challenges and opportunities of decarbonizing copper production.

Some of the questions the event will address include:

  • How fast can copper production be decarbonized globally and in the EU?
  • What are the main technologies for doing so?
  • What challenges remain on the road to net zero and how can these be overcome?
  • How can the EU’s regulatory framework support this transition?

Promotional graphic with fall folliage in "C" cutout shape with event details for Pathway to Net Zero Launch


Tuesday, 7 March 2023


3:30pm – 6:30pm CET


De Warande | 1 Rue Zinner 1000 Bruxelles Belgium


15:30: In-person Welcome Coffee and introductory words by ICA
15:55: Video message by Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UNEP
16:00: Keynote address
Kerstin Jorna, Director General at the European Commission for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
16:10: Presentation of Copper – The Pathway to Net Zero and Q&A
Bernard Respaut, Chief Executive, European Copper Institute
16:30: Panel discussion and Q&A
Radan Kanev, Member of the European Parliament
Mette Quinn, Head of Unit for Policy Coordination and International Carbon Markets, European Commission, DG Climate Action
Marie Christine von Hahn, Vice President Corporate External Affairs, Aurubis
Daniel Peltonen, President, Boliden Smelters
Ursula Woodburn, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
17:30 18:30: Networking reception

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