The global spread of COVID-19 has left many individuals and communities filled with concern. The International Copper Association (ICA) stands with its members as they focus on the health, safety and well-being of their employees, their families and the communities in which they operate. Nothing is more important than human lives as we confront this crisis.
The word “crisis” comes from the Greek, “krisis,” meaning “time to act.” While the copper industry is taking extensive measures to protect our employees and the social environment in which we live and operate, we believe it is also the responsibility of the copper value chain to help local, regional and national governments access this essential material to meet the world’s needs.
Healthcare workers, first responders and other essential personnel confronting the coronavirus rely on copper for critical hospital equipment and for crucial functions, such as electronic devices, electricity delivery and storage, transportation, communication and safe drinking water. From mines and smelters/refiners through to fabricators, the copper industry is committed to providing the raw material and the finished products to assist those confronting this pandemic.
ICA and the copper industry thank the heroes working on the front line for their dedication—and our own global workforce for their agility and commitment—during the current challenges. Through resilience, collaboration and communication, we will overcome this adversity together.
For position statements from our industry partners, visit the following sites:
For the Copper Development Association, U.S.A. (CDA)
For the International Wrought Copper Council (IWCC)